Operating Systems
The following consists of various tutorials and Operating System videos from Wagner’s TechTalk. The videos below focus on ReactOS, at the present time. There may be additional videos on other Operating Systems added here in the future.
What is ReactOS?
ReactOS is a free and open-sourced operating system based on the Windows NT architecture, providing support for existing applications and drivers, and an alternative to the current dominant consumer operating system. Compatibility with Microsoft Server 2003 is the ReactOS design goal.
Table of Contents
Install ReactOS a FREE Windows Alternative on a Synology NAS/Server via VMM (v0.4.11 Nightly Build)
This video will show you how to install ReactOS on a Synology NAS running Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). It will step you through downloading ReactOS, setting up VMM, Installing ReactOS, acquiring/installing the e1000 Network Drivers and demonstrate installing apps. from the ReactOS Application Manager and using FireFox.
Helpful Links
- You can find the DS918+ on Amazon
- ReactOS Website
- Driver Packs (Network Drivers) *Note – Make sure to scan any driver downloads for viruses, just to be safe.
- Gizmo Central/Manager
How To Install: ReactOS on REAL Hardware with Internet access
We will take installing ReactOS to the next level! In prior videos we limited our focus to a Virtual Machine. In this video, not only do we install ReactOS on REAL HARDWARE, but we also provide you tips on how you can do the same. This is information that isn’t often found in other videos, so sit back and enjoy! For full laptop specifications, please see the video description.
*NOTE: ReactOS is currently in Alpha. Keep in mind, you should stick with installing on a Virtual Machine or a machine you do not depend on, device driver support is very limited at this point.
How-To Install ReactOS (FREE Windows Alternative) on Virtual Box with Networking Support!
In this video, we’ll discuss the operating system ReactOS. It’s designed as a direct replacement for Windows, though uses no original Microsoft code. It’s not an emulator, it’s an actual stand-alone OS which can run many Windows(R) applications. This video describes how to setup the OS in Virtual Box, which is not easy to figure out without spending a bit of time reading various forums/posts. Even then, I still figured it out mostly without much on-line help and I’ll save you the frustration!
In about 15-20 min. you’ll be up and running with ReactOS with full Network support and a display adapter that can adapt to the host operating system. While this video was created using ReactOS v0.4.8, the same procedure applies to the most recent ReactOS build.
Helpful Links
- Virtual Box Download
- ReactOS Download
*NOTE: ReactOS is currently in Alpha. Keep in mind, you should stick with installing on a Virtual Machine, device driver support is very limited at this point.
ReactOS: Audio drivers, Sharing files to Desktop, Snapshots +more
In this video, we’ll learn how to:
- Create a Snapshot in Virtual Box so that we can revert the VM to a clean install at any point.
- Install the Sound/Audio drivers for ReactOS.
- Learn how to share files between the ReactOS VM and our Host/Laptop.
- Install/Run a few applications from the ReactOS Application Manager.
- Restore our Virtual Machine back to a clean image of ReactOS.
Download ReactOS here