The following are the latest Inventions from Wagner’s TechTalk.
Table of Contents
3D Printed Face mask (PROTOTYPE) being developed to help: Requesting assistance and feedback
In this video we’ll take a look at a prototype design for a face mask. The primary reason for this video is to get assistance with how to test the effectiveness, improve the overall design and to soon provide something to help with our current situation. Please see the statement at the beginning of the video.
Download for the 3D Printed Facemask here (Please read before downloading)
Handheld Retro Gaming Stand

This is a stand that I designed to hold most any portable Retro Gaming Handheld (fits: Retroflag GPi, RG300, RG350 and BittBoy Pocket Go). There are versions included here that have no text or some with text. Pick the version you want to 3D Print!
Download from Thingiverse here
Partially Paralyzed Kitten – Building a Mobility Device using 3D Printed parts for a wheelchair
This mobility device was designed for a kitten that may have Manx Syndrome and has lost mobility of his back legs, his name is Declan. Declan is being taken care of by his foster Mom who is a MARF volunteer.
The device can be configured with 2 or 4 wheels. When the design was first started, Declan had full mobility in his front legs and it was intended that he would only need the rear two wheels.
However, after a few days that mobility had deteriorated and we had to re-configured this device with 4 wheels. This allows him to exercise all 4 legs and will be used to help him strengthen his muscles.
For kittens that are paralyzed on their hind legs only, this device would be useful in that it should allow them to get around, make turns, etc. Our hope is that Declan will regain use of his front legs and be able to move to 2-wheels and then be free of the device. Time will tell, we plan to have an update video when there is a change in his abilities.
NOTE: The design for the Kitten (Declan) wheelchair has been donated by Wagner’s TechTalk and freely available for others to use. You may download the 3D-printable files from
Assembly Tips
- There are holes in the sides of the support bars. Small velcro strips, such as these can be used for support.
- The wheels used looked like this, however I purchased my 2nd set on ebay.
- The small screws used to hold the leg support to the adapter can be found here. However, most any hardware store will have small screws and nuts that you could use instead.
- 3d Printer used to print these parts was a Flash Forge Creator Pro. But most any 3D Printer of the same bed size (or larger) should suffice.
If you are interested in donating to MARF, you can do so by following this link and click the Donate button (I know they appreciate any support! -my wife and I foster for this organization)
Remember, if you go to and select “Madison ARF” as your supporting charity, anytime you place an order using a small amount of your order will be donated by Amazon to MARF (won’t affect your purchase price). It’s a great way to help and a win-win!
Custom Joystick 8-way to 4-way RESTRICTOR for RetroPie – using MoI
Please see the video below, there I’ll demonstrate an interesting prototype to solve a problem I’ve had for a few years now. We’ll design and 3D Print a top-facing 8-way to 4/2-way Arcade Restrictor and install it into a full-size Arcade cabinet running RetroPie. Then, we’ll test it out and see how it performs with a game designed for a 4-way joystick, Ms. Pac-Man.
NOTE: This solution is all custom and was designed using MOI3d . It’s a powerful 3D design/modeling solution that is easy to learn.
Joysticks Confirmed to Work with this Kit
- EasyGet Controllers and buttons used for my build
- Arcade Buttons EG STARTS 1 Player DIY Kit Joystick 5V LED Arcade Button for Arcade Stick PC Games Mame Raspberry pi
Download and 3D Print One!
If you’d like to 3D Print this kit for yourself, please see our Thingiverse upload here.
Additional tools used
- Inexpensive 6in. Caliper