AtGames Legends 4K Latency Guide


Last Update: 2/13/25

Video: Legends Pinball 4K Flipper Latency Improvements You Can’t Miss Part 2

This document outlines the approved methodology for conducting latency analysis on the Legends 4K platform, ensuring standardized and consistent latency reporting. It reflects the collaborative effort of development teams and establishes a repeatable procedure for both internal and external testing.

There are two methods described in this document, they are:

Latency Definition: Latency refers to the delay between an action (input) and the corresponding measurable result (output). On the Legends 4KP, two primary types of latency are measured:

  1. Flipper / Visual Latency: This measures the time elapsed from the moment a flipper button is pressed (when electrical contact is made) to the time the virtual flipper begins to move on screen.
  2. Solenoid / Audio Latency: This measures the time elapsed from the pressing of the flipper button until the solenoid produces sound or the flipper audio is audible.

Measurement Approach: For both visual and audio latency, measurements start at the initial detection of the button press and end when the first detectable reaction whether visual or audible occurs. This ensures precision in latency reporting by focusing on the moment each reaction begins.

Visual Latency Detection: Given the display on the Legends 4KP operates at 60 Hz (frames per second), detecting visual latency accurately requires high-speed cameras. Utilizing a 240 Hz camera allows for capturing more granular data, enabling precise measurement of latency.

This document establishes a reliable baseline for testing latency, and ensures that all stakeholders whether within the company or external testers are following the same practices, leading to more reliable and comparable results across all testing scenarios.

Manual Latency Test Procedure

Video: Measuring Flipper Latency on the Legends 4KP – Part 1

The procedure below outlines the steps to accurately measure latency in a virtual pinball machine. This ensures consistent, precise reporting of both flipper and audio latency.

Equipment Needed

  • GoPro Hero set to 240 FPS for high-speed video capture.  *NOTE – Using a phone is also possible, however there have been instances where the FPS in the resulting video was inaccurate.  Confirm by selecting the properties of the recorded video that the FPS is indeed what is expected.
  • Camera Mount/Tripod to position the camera stably above the playfield.
  • Olive Video Editor or equivalent for reviewing and analyzing the video data ( or alternatively here ).  *CAUTION –  if using a different video editor and overlaying a millisecond timer, the FPS in the overlaid video segment should match the framerate of the original capture.  Otherwise, measurements will be inaccurate.  For example, Filmora is one that cannot handle beyond 60fps.  Leonardo DaVinci is a bit more complicated yet free and can also handle 240fps.


Step 1: Camera Setup

  1. Set Camera to 240 FPS: Ensure the Camera (i.e. GoPro Hero) is configured to record at 240 FPS to capture detailed frames needed for accurate latency measurement.
  2. Mount the Camera: Position the camera above the pinball machine so that the flipper button and a portion of the playfield, including the virtual flipper, are clearly visible. Ensure the angle allows for easy identification of button presses and flipper movement.
  3. Lighting Considerations: Adjust the lighting to eliminate glare and shadows. It is critical that both the button press and the flipper movements are clearly visible. Avoid reflections that might obscure the virtual flipper’s motion.

Step 2: Preparing for Testing

  1. Load a Table: Select and load a pinball table on the virtual pinball machine.
  2. Adjust Audio Levels: Set the machine’s audio levels to 70% and ensure solenoids are enabled (if they were previously disabled).
  3. Begin Recording: Confirm the camera is recording, and the camera is properly focused on the pinball machine.  Verify the flipper button and virtual flipper is fully visible. Start the tests once you are sure the setup is stable.

Step 3: Conducting the Test

  1. Perform Quick Flipper Presses: Press the flipper button quickly 10-30 times. Do not hold the button down; only quick presses are needed to test the response time.
  2. End Recording: Once you’ve completed enough flipper presses, stop the recording.

Step 4: Analyzing Data in Video Editor

There are a number of video editors that can be used.  Keep in mind that some do not support 240 fps.  Olive is one that does, is easy to use and has been used for this type of analysis with accurate results.

  1. Transfer Video: Connect the camera to your computer and transfer the recorded video.
  2. Verify Framerate: After transferring the video to your computer, verify that the frame rate was recorded as expected.  Right click on the video file and select Properties (in Windows File Explorer).  Click the Details tab and verify the Frame rate is 240 fps (should be within .5 of 240fps).
  1. Open Olive Video Editor: Launch Olive and load the video for analysis.
    • Make sure the time scale is set to milliseconds (Menu: View †’ Milliseconds), ensuring precision when measuring latency.

Flipper Latency Measurement Procedure

  1. Identify Initial Button Press:
    • Use the video timeline to position the cursor at the moment the flipper button is fully actuated (i.e., the point when contact is made). Record the millisecond timestamp associated with this event.
  2. Identify Flipper Movement:
    • Move the cursor to the exact frame where the virtual flipper first begins to move. Any slight movement is considered the start of flipper activation. Record this millisecond timestamp.
  3. Calculate Latency:
    • Subtract the initial button press timestamp from the flipper movement timestamp to calculate the latency in milliseconds. I’ve prepared a sample spreadsheet here, if you would like to use it.
  4. Repeat & Average:
    • Repeat this process for additional flipper presses and calculate the average latency. Document this in a spreadsheet for further analysis/reporting.

Audio Latency Measurement Procedure

  1. Identify Initial Button Press:
    • Similar to the flipper latency procedure, position the cursor at the exact frame where the button is fully actuated. Record this millisecond timestamp.
  2. Identify Solenoid Audio:
    • Locate the moment in the video where the solenoid or flipper audio is first audible (typically noticeable as a spike in the audio waveform). Record this millisecond timestamp.
  3. Calculate Latency:
    • Subtract the initial button press timestamp from the audio reaction timestamp to determine the audio latency.
  4. Repeat & Average:
    • Perform the measurement for 3-5 iterations and average the results. Log these averages in the same spreadsheet.


  • Accuracy: For both flipper and audio latency measurements, it is crucial to measure from the very first sign of reaction. Small deviations can impact the accuracy of the final latency figures.
  • Video Quality: Ensure the recording quality is sufficient to see the exact points of contact and movement without motion blur.

This detailed, repeatable procedure ensures that latency is measured consistently across tests, enabling accurate comparison and reporting.

Millisecond to Frames

Using frames to measure latency, especially in the context of video displays or gaming, is more intuitive and practical than using milliseconds alone for several reasons:

1. Alignment with Frame-Based Rendering

  • Video and Game Displays: Many systems, particularly video displays and games, operate based on frames per second (FPS). Measuring latency in frames aligns directly with how often the display updates, making it easier to understand the impact of latency on visible performance.
  • Consistency with Rendering: When you measure latency in frames, you are essentially synchronizing your measurement with how the visual output is produced. For instance, at 60fps, each frame represents 1/60th of a second (or ~16.67 milliseconds). Knowing how many frames of delay occur allows understanding exactly how much time passes before an action is visually reflected on the screen.

2. Easier to Interpret in Context

  • Perceptual Impact: For gamers and users, it’s easier to conceptualize latency in terms of frames. A delay of 4-5 frames at 60fps, for example, provides a tangible reference to how many visual updates are skipped or delayed, which is often more intuitive than raw millisecond values.
  • Visible Lag: The number of frames delayed can help users and developers visualize the “lag” they experience. Since frames are how games and videos are presented, it’s simpler to assess whether the delay is noticeable or disruptive in terms of “frame drops.”

3. Relative Timing in Gaming and Video

  • Frame Locking: Many games or media operate with specific frame rates (e.g., 30fps, 60fps). Latency tied to frames provides an exact correlation to how much of that time the system is delaying, whereas milliseconds are less connected to this timing framework.
  • Response Timing: When a player presses a button in a game, the action often correlates to a frame being rendered. Thus, measuring in frames helps directly quantify how long it takes for the input to affect the on-screen result.

4. Simplification for Different Frame Rates

  • Cross-Platform Consistency: Different platforms may use different refresh rates, such as 60fps, 120fps, or even 240fps. Measuring latency in frames allows you to scale measurements based on the specific frame rate of the system, providing a universal understanding of how delayed the system is across different setups.


Let’s say you’re working on a game running at 60fps, the frame rate of the Legends 4KP. If an input takes 100ms to register, that corresponds to around 6 frames (100ms ÷ 16.67ms per frame). Knowing that 6 frames have passed without action being shown gives a direct sense of the delay in the player’s experience.

In summary, frames are a more relevant unit in visual contexts like gaming and video rendering, where updates occur at fixed intervals (frames), making it easier to correlate latency to what the user experiences on-screen.

Millisecond to FPS Conversion

To convert milliseconds to frames of video using a 60fps (frames per second) display, such as the one used in the Legends 4KP, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the FPS (Frames Per Second)

  • A 60fps display refreshes the image 60 times per second.
  • This means that 1 second (1000 milliseconds) is divided into 60 frames.
  • Therefore, each frame represents 1/60th of a second.

Step 2: Calculate the Duration of Each Frame

To determine how long each frame lasts in milliseconds:

So, at 60fps, each frame lasts 16.67 milliseconds.

Step 3: Convert Milliseconds to Frames

Now, to convert a given amount of milliseconds to frames, divide the number of milliseconds by the duration of one frame (16.67 ms) and round to the nearest whole number:

Example Breakdown

If you want to know how many frames correspond to 250 milliseconds on a 60fps display:

  1. Start with 250 milliseconds.
  2. Divide by the duration of each frame (16.67 milliseconds) = 15 frames

Thus, 250 milliseconds corresponds to approximately 15 frames (round to the nearest whole number).

Key Formula

The general formula to convert milliseconds to frames at 60fps is:

This approach provides a precise conversion from time in milliseconds to the number of frames shown at a 60fps display rate.

Automated Latency Tester (or ALT)

ALT (Automated Latency Tester) is a specialized tool created to automate and enhance the precision of flipper latency measurements in virtual pinball machines, like the ALP 4KP. Traditionally, calculating latency involved manually reviewing video footage frame by frame, a time-consuming and error-prone process. ALT revolutionizes this approach by offering an automated, hands-off solution that delivers more accurate results with greater efficiency. The code used for this solution is proprietary and therefore not available publicly.

System Overview

The system operates using a custom-built PCB (Printed Circuit Board) that interfaces with the pinball machine’s solenoid connector. This PCB serves two critical roles: it ensures the safety of the solenoid board by regulating voltage and preventing electrical feedback, and it also functions as an indicator for when a flipper button is pressed. This protective and signal-driven design allows the PCB to communicate seamlessly with a Raspberry Pi 5, the core processing unit of the system.

(custom PCB)

The Raspberry Pi 5 is equipped with a high-speed USB 3.x camera, which is positioned to capture real-time video of the flipper. The camera is essential for monitoring the precise moment when the flipper moves after the button is pressed. The camera’s high frame rate ensures that even the smallest movements can be captured with high accuracy, which is crucial for calculating latency in millisecond precision.

(Raspberry Pi5 with GPIO pins connected)

Automated Detection Process

A close up of the menu bar with buttons.

Once the ALT setup is in place and the application is launched on the Raspberry Pi, the system continuously monitors both the button press and the flipper’s movement. The button press is detected through the GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins of the Raspberry Pi, which are connected to the PCB. Simultaneously, the camera captures video frames of the flipper’s motion.

Using sophisticated image processing algorithms, ALT tracks the time delay between the flipper button press and the first visible movement of the flipper. This delay, known as flipper latency, is a critical performance metric in virtual pinball machines, as high latency can negatively impact gameplay responsiveness and user experience. ALT’s automated detection and calculation of this latency provide an invaluable tool for developers, allowing them to optimize system performance.

Output and Reporting

Throughout the testing session, ALT logs each button press and corresponding flipper movement in a detailed log file. The tool provides continuous real-time monitoring, and the log file captures all latency measurements for later analysis. Once testing is complete, the user can exit the application by pressing the Q key. At this point, ALT processes the collected data and calculates the average flipper latency, providing a comprehensive report of the system’s performance.

This streamlined process helps developers and testers identify potential latency issues quickly and accurately, which is especially important in ensuring a responsive and enjoyable gaming experience. By automating this traditionally manual task, ALT not only saves time but also provides repeatable and highly accurate measurements, helping maintain the high standards required in virtual pinball machines.

Error Range

Since the conversion divides the total latency by the duration of a single frame, the error range would be within ±1 frame. This is because if the latency falls between two frame boundaries, it’s difficult to be more precise without fractional frames. Therefore, we can estimate the video detection algorithm should be adding no more than 1/60th latency. Your feedback in the above video is always appreciated.

Test Results

In the following sections, you’ll find all pinball tables that have been analyzed and their results. This includes Zen Studios, AtGames originals Natural History, TAITO, Dr. Seuss as well as Magic Pixel Zaccaria and FarSight Gottlieb.

How these numbers were derived are covered in the following mini-series [YouTube]:

A close up of the menu bar with buttons.
Video: Measuring Flipper Latency on the Legends Pinball 4KP – Part 1
A close up of the menu bar with buttons.
Video: Legends Pinball 4K Flipper Latency Improvements You Can’t Miss Part 2

Zen Studios

Table Name
(Gameplay video link)
Table or Pack
(Purchase link)
Sample Count Average Ms.
Frame Latency @60Hz
Standard Deviation
Display Resolution Last Updated
Williams Pinball: Attack from Mars Get this Table 30 128.20 / 87.60 7.69 / 5.26 10.65 / 11.65 2240×1260 2024-09-19
Battlestar Galactica Pinball Get this Pack 30 – / 70.40 – / 4.22 – / 11.10 2560×1440 2024-10-30
Borderlands®: Vault Hunter Pinball Get Gearbox Pack 30 121.63 / 70.90 7.29 / 4.25 12.42 / 8.45 2560×1440 2024-10-03
Back to the Future Pinball Get this pack 30 – / 86.03 – / 5.16 – / 8.09 2240×1260 2024-09-09
Brothers in Arms®: Win the War Pinball Get Gearbox Pack 30 127.03 / 69.40 7.62 / 4.16 7.50 / 8.72 2560×1440 2024-10-03
A Charlie Brown Christmas Pinball Get this Pack 30 – / 72.10 – / 4.33 – / 11.01 2560×1440 2024-12-04
Chucky’s Killer Pinball Get this Pack 30 – / 76.80 – / 4.61 – / 11.17 2560×1440 2024-10-23
Williams Pinball: The Creature From The Black Lagoon Get this Pack 30 – / 74.37 – / 4.46 – / 8.90 2240×1260 2024-10-02
DreamWorks Dragons Pinball Get DreamWorks Pack 30 124.33 / 80.57 7.45 / 4.83 12.66 / 7.77 2560×1440 2024-09-26
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Pinball Get this pack 30 – / 85.47 – / 5.13 – / 9.40 2240×1260 2024-09-09
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales Get this Pack 30 – / 69.87 – / 4.19 – / 8.89 2560×1440 2024-12-10
Garfield Pinball Get this Table 30 131.30 / 74.07 7.88 / 4.44 11.05 / 10.09 2560×1440 2024-10-03
Godzilla Get this Pack 30 124.50 / 72.33 7.46 / 4.33 10.05 / 11.79 2560×1440 2024-10-10
Godzilla vs. Kong Get this Pack 30 127.16 / 74.10 7.63 / 4.45 13.49 / 8.92 2560×1440 2024-10-10
Homeworld®: Journey to Hiigara Pinball Get Gearbox Pack 30 128.53 / 75.80 7.71 / 4.55 11.33 / 9.47 2560×1440 2024-10-03
Jaws Pinball Get this pack 30 – / 88.67 – / 5.32 – / 6.65 2240×1260 2024-09-09
Jurassic Park Pinball Mayhem Get this Pack 30 126.80 / 62.67 7.61 / 3.76 12.79 / 9.44 2560×1440 2024-10-10
Jurassic Park Pinball Get this Pack 30 127.70 / 72.80 7.61 / 4.37 25.52 / 8.30 2560×1440 2024-10-10
Jurassic World Pinball Get this Pack 30 127.67 / 69.73 7.66 / 4.18 12.32 / 10.04 2560×1440 2024-10-10
Kong Get this Pack 30 125.43 / 72.63 7.52 / 4.36 12.77 / 10.75 2560×1440 2024-10-10
Knight Rider Pinball Get this Pack 30 – / 75.93 – / 4.56 – / 10.07 2560×1440 2024-10-30
DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda Pinball Get DreamWorks Pack 30 129.27 / 75.20 7.75 / 4.51 11.58 / 10.02 2560×1440 2024-09-26
Williams Pinball: Monster Bash Get this Pack 30 – / 79.93 – / 4.80 – / 7.95 2560×1440 2024-10-02
MY LITTLE PONY Pinball Get this Table 30 131.53 / 76.30 7.89 / 4.58 12.74 / 9.53 2560×1440 2024-10-03
Peanuts’ Snoopy Pinball Get this table 30 125.33 / 75.67 7.52 / 4.54 12.63 / 11.16 2560×1440 2024-09-19
Sorcerer’s Lair Get this Pack 30 – 74.87 – / 4.49 – / 11.01 2560×1440 2024-12-23
South Park: Super Sweet Pinball Get this pack 30 – / 67.00 – / 4.02 – / 9.10 2560×1440 2024-11-18
South Park: Butters’ Very Own Pinball Game Get this pack 30 – / 78.23 – / 4.69 – / 10.34 2560×1440 2024-11-18
Star Trek Pinball Deep Space Nine Get the StarTrek Pack 30 126.57 / 80.77 7.59 / 4.85 9.96 / 9.72 2560×1440 2024-09-19
Star Trek Pinball Discovery Get the StarTrek Pack 30 125.67 / 78.67 7.53 / 4.72 10.43 / 9.89 2560×1440 2024-09-19
Star Trek Pinball The Kelvin Timeline Get the StarTrek Pack 30 127.67 / 85.83 7.66 / 5.15 10.48 / 10.95 2560×1440 2024-09-19
The Thing Get this Single Pack 30 – / 77.67 – / 4.66 – / 18.01 2240×1260 2024-10-16
Wild West Rampage Get this Pack 30 – / 62.47 – / 3.75 – / 10.25 2560×1440 2024-12-23
Williams Pinball Star Trek: The Next Generation Get this Table 30 121.57 / 83.67 7.29 / 5.02 8.64 / 9.81 2240×1260 2024-09-19
Williams Pinball The Addams Family Get this Table 30 138.80 / 94.77 8.33 / 5.68 9.45 / 10.39 2560×1440 2024-09-09
DreamWorks Trolls Pinball Get DreamWorks Pack 30 128.37 / 74.43 7.70 / 4.45 8.73 / 8.73 2560×1440 2024-09-26
Williams Pinball: The Twilight Zone Get this Table 30 137.43 / 84.90 8.24 / 5.09 10.13 / 7.47 2240×1260 2024-09-26
Williams Pinball: World Cup Soccer Get this Table 30 137.27 / 83.23 8.23 / 4.99 17.07 / 10.58 2240×1260 2024-09-26
Xena: Warrior Princess Pinball Get this Pack 30 – / 76.00 – / 4.56 – / 9.60 2560×1440 2024-10-30
33 Tables


Table Name
(Gameplay video link)
Table or Pack
(Purchase link)
Sample Count Average Ms. Frame Latency @60Hz Standard Deviation Display Resolution Last Updated
Sea of Thieves® Get this Pack 30 51.00 3.06 8.34 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-12-31
1 Tables

AtGames Original Natural History

Table Name
(Gameplay video link)
Table or Pack
(Purchase link)
Sample Count Average Ms. Frame Latency @60Hz Standard Deviation Display Resolution Last Updated
Africa Get this Pack 30 47.20 2.83 9.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-26
Amazonia Get this Pack 30 64.93 3.90 7.98 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Deep Ocean Get this Pack 30 39.80 2.39 9.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-26
Dinosaur Dynasty Get this Pack 30 70.26 4.21 12.59 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Dinosaur Dynasty 2 Get this Pack 30 36.97 2.22 7.85 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-12-23
Egypt Get this Pack 30 54.93 3.30 6.97 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-26
Exoplanets Get this Pack 30 68.93 4.13 8.12 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
The Insect World Get this Pack 30 29.00 1.74 9.09 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-12-23
Last Ice Age Get this Pack 30 65.10 3.91 9.03 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Nature’s Fury Get this Pack 30 30.10 1.81 8.87 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-12-23
Polar Expedition Get this Pack 30 45.43 2.73 7.16 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-26
World of Microbes Get this Pack 30 30.77 1.85 8.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-12-23
12 Tables

AtGames Original TAITO

Table Name
(Gameplay video link)
Table or Pack
(Purchase link)
Sample Count Average Ms. Frame Latency @60Hz Standard Deviation Display Resolution Last Updated
Arkanoid Get this Pack  30 64.40 3.86 8.56 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Bubble Bobble Get this Pack  30 63.17 3.79 6.41 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Chack’N Pop Get this Pack 30 66.37 3.98 10.35 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Darius Get this Pack  30 71.97 4.32 9.81 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Elevator Action Get this Pack  30 64.73 3.88 7.04 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Front Line Get this Pack  30 70.77 4.25 5.76 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Operation Wolf Get this Pack  30 63.03 3.78 9.08 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Rainbow Islands Get this Pack  30 67.40 4.04 6.74 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Rastan Saga Get this Pack  30 66.40 3.98 6.85 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Space Invaders Get this Pack 30 69.47 4.17 6.62 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
The Legend of KAGE Get this Pack  30 64.23 3.85 7.13 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
Zoo Keeper Get this Pack 30 79.06 4.74 8.45 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-01
12 Tables

AtGames Original Dr. Seuss

Table Name
(Gameplay video link)
Table or Pack
(Purchase link)
Sample Count Average Ms. Frame Latency @60Hz Standard Deviation Display Resolution Last Updated
Fox in Socks Get this Pack 30 50.90 3.05 12.23 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Dr. Seuss’s ABC Get this Pack 30 51.13 3.06 14.22 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Green Eggs and Ham Get this Pack 30 62.87 3.77 10.66 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Get this Pack  30 68.23 4.09 12.10 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Get this Pack  30 51.20 3.07 12.38 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Get this Pack  30 60.00 3.60 7.74 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Cat In The Hat Get this Pack 30 59.63 3.58 11.38 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
7 Tables

Magic Pixel Zaccaria

Table Name
(Gameplay video link)
Table or Pack
(Purchase link)
Sample Count Average Ms. Frame Latency @60Hz Standard Deviation Display Resolution Last Updated
Aerobatics Get this Pack 30 59.60 3.58 10.31 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Aerobatics Retro Get this Pack  30 69.90 4.19 10.31 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
The Aliens Get this Pack 30 51.27 3.08 10.01 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Battle Deluxe Get this Pack 30 69.50 4.17 13.42 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Battle Remake Get this Pack 30 73.40 4.40 10.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Battle Retro Get this Pack 30 74.07 4.44 7.21 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Battle Get this Pack 30 67.70 4.06 7.21 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Beast Master Get this Pack 30 68.60 4.12 11.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Blackbelt 2018 Get this Pack 30 60.30 3.62 9.30 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Blackbelt Retro Get this Pack 30 69.40 4.16 9.55 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Blackbelt Get this Pack 30 70.37 4.22 6.53 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Caveman Get this Pack 30 62.63 3.76 8.59 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Cinestar Deluxe Get this Pack 30 61.10 3.67 12.76 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Cinestar Get this Pack 30 60.63 3.63 8.90 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Circus 2017/Remake Get this Pack 30 64.50 3.87 9.29 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Circus Retro Get this Pack 30 59.47 3.57 9.75 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Circus Get this Pack 30 48.77 2.92 10.93 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Clown Remake Get this Pack 30 60.57 3.63 6.40 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Clown Retro Get this Pack 30 67.90 4.07 8.81 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Clown Get this Pack 30 59.13 3.54 9.28 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Devil Riders Remake Get this Pack 30 72.20 4.33 8.55 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Devil Riders Retro Get this Pack 30 72.60 4.36 9.24 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Devil Riders Get this Pack 31 60.00 3.60 11.54 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Earth Wind Fire Remake Get this Pack 30 57.47 3.45 12.48 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Earth Wind Fire Retro Get this Pack 30 61.20 3.67 8.86 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Earth Wind Fire Get this Pack 30 69.77 4.19 7.72 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Farfalla Deluxe Get this Pack 30 59.433 3.57 10.18 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Farfalla Remake Get this Pack 30 61.07 3.66 9.39 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Farfalla Retro Get this Pack 30 58.50 3.51 10.69 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Farfalla Get this Pack 30 57.57 3.45 8.74 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Firefighter Get this Pack 30 56.70 3.40 5.52 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Fire Mountain Retro Get this Pack 30 64.13 3.85 7.06 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Fire Mountain Remake Get this Pack 30 70.53 4.23 10.65 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Fire Mountain Get this Pack 30 60.43 3.63 9.53 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Future World Remake Get this Pack 30 51.80 3.11 5.62 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Future World Get this Pack 30 59.40 3.56 8.74 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Granada Get this Pack 30 50.03 3.00 9.39 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Hot Wheels Remake Get this Pack 30 60.70 3.64 10.52 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Hot Wheels Retro Get this Pack 30 56.30 3.38 9.95 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Hot Wheels Get this Pack 30 61.10 3.67 9.84 n3840x2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
House of Diamonds Deluxe Get this Pack 30 56.53 3.39 8.85 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
House of Diamonds Remake Get this Pack 30 49.73 2.98 6.09 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
House of Diamonds Retro Get this Pack 30 51.17 3.07 9.06 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
House of Diamonds Get this Pack 30 62.33 3.73 11.69 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Locomotion Remake Get this Pack 30 47.93 2.88 8.49 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Locomotion Retro Get this Pack 30 47.13 2.83 9.37 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Locomotion Get this Pack 30 48.27 2.90 8.27 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Lucky Fruit Get this Pack 30 42.27 2.54 10.44 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Magic Castle Remake Get this Pack 30 47.50 2.85 8.67 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Magic Castle Retro Get this Pack 30 45.47 2.73 9.78 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Magic Castle Get this Pack 31 45.68 2.74 11.11 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Mexico ’86 Retro Get this Pack 30 63.93 3.84 12.32 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Mexico ’86 Get this Pack 30 53.73 3.22 8.02 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Moon Flight Get this Pack 30 53.73 3.22 11.01 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Mystic Star Retro Get this Pack 30 69.13 4.15 13.31 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Mystic Star Get this Pack 30 54.07 3.24 6.67 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Nautilus Retro Get this Pack 30 57.80 3.47 12.86 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Nautilus Get this Pack 30 59.16 3.54 7.60 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Nautilus Remake Get this Pack 30 66.13 3.97 8.16 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Pinball Champ Remake Get this Pack 30 50.57 3.03 10.73 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Pinball Champ Retro Get this Pack 30 51.63 3.10 9.82 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Pinball Champ Get this Pack 30 52.90 3.17 10.12 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Pool Champion Deluxe Get this Pack 30 63.67 3.82 11.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Pool Champion Remake Get this Pack 30 61.27 3.68 11.91 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Pool Champion Get this Pack 30 61.90 3.71 7.67 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Red Show Deluxe Get this Pack 30 57.20 3.43 11.95 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Red Show Get this Pack 31 57.19 3.43 9.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Robot Deluxe Get this Pack 30 49.43 2.97 9.81 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Robot Remake Get this Pack 30 59.33 3.56 9.72 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Robot Retro Get this Pack 30 58.73 3.52 9.10 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Robot Get this Pack 30 53.06 3.18 9.00 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Shooting The Rapids Remake Get this Pack 30 71.87 4.31 10.68 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Shooting The Rapids Retro Get this Pack 30 60.23 3.61 8.57 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Shooting The Rapids Get this Pack 30 52.53 3.15 9.44 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Soccer Kings Retro Get this Pack 30 58.37 3.50 11.96 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Soccer Kings Get this Pack 30 45.77 2.75 9.34 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Space Shuttle Remake Get this Pack 30 60.23 3.61 11.01 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Space Shuttle Retro Get this Pack 30 52.80 3.17 11.51 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Space Shuttle Get this Pack 30 50.37 3.02 9.01 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Space Shuttle Deluxe Get this Pack 30 45.8 2.75 11.79 3840×2160 (4K) 2025-02-13
Speed King Get this Pack 30 58.13 3.49 7.73 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Spooky Deluxe Get this Pack 30 51.83 3.11 10.29 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Spooky Remake Get this Pack 30 63.70 3.82 7.96 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Spooky Retro Get this Pack 30 46.77 2.81 9.41 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Spooky Get this Pack 30 54.33 3.26 11.62 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Star God Remake Get this Pack 30 63.70 3.82 8.09 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Star God Retro Get this Pack 30 67.37 4.04 9.99 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Star God Get this Pack 30 49.13 2.95 12.31 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Star’s Phoenix Remake Get this Pack 30 55.73 3.34 9.59 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Star’s Phoenix Get this Pack 30 53.20 3.19 10.07 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Strike Deluxe Get this Pack 30 58.73 3.52 10.87 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Strike Get this Pack 30 52.43 3.15 12.66 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Supersonic Retro Get this Pack 30 60.40 3.62 11.65 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Supersonic Get this Pack 30 52.26 3.13 10.58 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
The Hippie Get this Pack 30 53.20 3.19 6.67 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
The Mummy Get this Pack 31 50.68 3.04 10.92 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Time Machine Remake Get this Pack 30 58.90 3.53 10.99 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Time Machine Retro Get this Pack 30 59.20 3.55 10.58 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Time Machine Get this Pack 30 51.90 3.11 10.13 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Top Hand Get this Pack 31 58.94 3.54 10.06 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Tropical Remake Get this Pack 30 56.70 3.40 8.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Tropical Get this Pack 30 54.80 3.29 7.54 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Universe Deluxe Get this Pack 30 56.43 3.39 10.64 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Universe Retro Get this Pack 31 54.87 3.29 9.35 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Universe Get this Pack 30 48.20 2.89 13.78 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Voyager Get this Pack 30 52.90 3.17 8.34 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Winter Sports Remake Get this Pack 30 59.27 3.56 8.12 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Winter Sports Get this Pack 30 57.60 3.46 13.49 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Wizard Get this Pack 30 56.93 3.42 13.20 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Wood’s Queen Remake Get this Pack 30 51.23 3.07 9.41 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-13
Wood’s Queen Get this Pack 30 59.67 3.58 9.47 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Zankor Deluxe Get this Pack 30 59.37 3.56 7.49 3840×2160 (4K) 2025-02-13
Zankor Remake Get this Pack 30 53.43 3.21 12.75 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Zankor Get this Pack 30 56.13 3.37 9.59 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Zombies Get this Pack 31 60.29 3.62 8.56 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
115 Tables

FarSight Gottlieb

Table Name
(Gameplay video link)
Table or Pack
(Purchase link)
Sample Count Average Ms. Frame Latency @60Hz Standard Deviation Display Resolution Last Updated
Al’s Garage Band Goes on a World Tour Get this Pack 30 45.97 2.76 8.59 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Big Shot Get this Pack 30 36.00 2.16 10.79 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Black Hole Get this Pack 30 37.83 2.27 8.59 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Bone Busters Inc. Get this Pack 29 39.52 2.37 10.36 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Cactus Jacks Get this Pack 30 36.83 2.21 8.71 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Centigrade 37 Get this Pack 30 43.80 2.63 22.17 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Central Park Get this Pack 30 37.30 2.23 7.77 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Class Of 1812 Get this Pack 30 47.83 2.87 8.62 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Cue Ball Wizard Get this Pack 30 40.97 2.46 9.29 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
El Dorado: City Of Gold Get this Pack 30 39.63 2.38 11.72 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Genie Get this Pack 30 46.23 2.77 11.15 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Gladiators Get this Pack 30 40.97 2.46 10.48 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Goin’ Nuts Get this Pack  34 38.26 2.30 11.06 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Haunted House Get this Pack 30 47.47 2.85 7.30 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Jacks Open Get this Pack 30 37.33 2.24 10.62 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Lights- Camera- Action! Get this Pack 30 45.00 2.70 10.29 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Pistol Poker Get this Pack 30 55.73 3.34 9.25 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Rescue 911 Get this Pack 30 37.07 2.22 7.61 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Teed Off Get this Pack 30 38.76 2.33 8.46 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
TX Sector Get this Pack 30 40.70 2.44 14.49 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Victory Get this Pack  30 45.97 2.76 8.67 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
Wipeout Get this Pack 30 49.10 2.95 9.13 3840×2160 (4K) 2024-09-11
22 Tables


Change Log

  • 2025-02-13 – Added Zankor Deluxe and Space Shuttle Deluxe latency numbers.
  • 2024-12-31 – Added Sea of Thieves Rare table pack.
  • 2024-12-23 – Updated AtGames Original Natural History tables & Zen Studios Tables (see bold Last updated columns).
  • 2024-12-10 – Updated Zen tables (see bold Last Updated column)
  • 2024-09-26 – Updated numbers for NH2 and new Zen tables (see bold Last updated columns).
  • 2024-09-25 – Added Standard Deviation calculations for all tables.
  • 2024-09-19 – Updated latency numbers for:
    • Williams Pinball : Attack From Mars
    • Peanuts Snoopy Pinball
    • Williams Pinball : Star Trek The Next Generation
    • Star Trek Legends Mini Pack (3 Tables)
  • 2024-09-13 – Added AtGames Original: TAITO, NH, Dr. Seuss as well as FarSight Gottlieb and Magic Pixel Zaccaria.
  • 2024-09-11 – Added latency numbers for Zen Studios tables. Added Latency Improvements video (Part 2)
  • 2024-08-27 – Preparation for public release.
  • 2024-08-24 – 2024-08-26 Start to this guide.