Winners Wall

Last Update: 3/3/2024

Having a Tech YouTube channel often provides a great opportunity to try out some of the latest fun and exciting technologies. Some I pay for, some are provided. The goal is to always provide honest feedback, details and information to help you determine if it’s something you might find helpful or enjoy! I have a number of guides available for the primary topics I cover.

Having a giveaway is something new to the channel, but one that has brought me the most satisfaction. You enter the giveaway, follow the rules of the game, if selected and win… I ship it to you. Pretty simple.

You’ll find in the weeks, months or perhaps years ahead that some of the stuff I show on this channel will be given away to those that watch my content. Just a small way to give back to the community.

Below you’ll find all of those who have won something from Wagner’s TechTalk and if they decide to share a comment and/or photo about the item they received –it is always optional. All the Best and Good luck on the next one!Jon

Giveaway #5 – AtGames Legends 4KP

Giveaway Video: Video here with details on how to enter

Legends 4KP EVT (pre-production model): AtGames Legends Pinball 4K EVT Page
Legends 4K Product Page: Legends 4K on AtGames E-Store

Giveaway Date: Oct. 18th @1:30 PM (US Central Time)
Live Stream Video: The Live Stream of the Giveaway occurred here.
CONFIRMED Winner: ATM / @triphin (Anthony R. from Fair Oaks Ranch, TX) is the CONFIRMED winner of the Legends 4KP. He also had pre-ordered the 4KP and his pre-order amount will be refunded. The ALP 4KP will be shipped once they are in full production. Confirmation was received on 10/18/2023 @11:35PM CT.
Received: 2/29/2024

Anthony’s Comment after receiving his 4KP:

Hats off to Jon Wagner, and AtGames. I was the winner of the 4KP Giveaway and it arrived yesterday. Set up was super easy using Jon’s simple to follow video guide. Dreams do come true! Thanks again!

A close up of the menu bar with buttons.
Anthony’s Machine that he won

Anthony’s winning comment was:

A close up of the menu bar with buttons.

This Giveaway is now complete, however for reference, below were the rules and conditions

A single winner will be selected by random for x1 Legends Pinball 4KP. The Legends 4KP will be provided and shipped by AtGames to the winner once the machines are in full-production (estimated late Dec. 2023, subject to change). To enter the giveaway, comment in the above video, with the following:

  • One comment in the above video with your favorite pinball table (or tables). Only one comment per YouTube account. Multiple comments, including replying to your own will disqualify from the giveaway.
  • Include #atgames somewhere in your comment.
  • Must have a US Address to win.

Winner Selection

Below is how the winner will be selected:

  • If selected, you will have 24 hours to respond to the e-mail notification. If no response is received within 24 hours, selection will become void and a new potential winner will be selected until a winner is confirmed.
  • Winner will be selected via a random comment picker from the video above.
  • Please keep in mind, only comments in the above YouTube video will be entered.  If you’re watching this video from Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or anywhere else and comment there, you won’t be entered.  You’ll want to open the video on YouTube and comment in the video instead.

Winner Information

If you are the winner, this is what to expect:

  • AtGames will ship the winning Legends 4KP once they are in full production (Estimated late Dec. 2023 but subject to change).
  • If the winner had already pre-ordered the Legends 4KP, he/she will have the option to have their original Legends 4KP reservation refunded upon request (up to $200 USD).

Things to remember:

  • Winner selection will occur on the date+time listed above. Not before.
  • A message will be sent from me using the Wagner’s TechTalk account only (not some other -dm, -telegram or other suffix added).
  • During the giveaway, you’ll receive very specific instructions on how to confirm, if selected. Once the winner is confirmed, I’ll announce via a community post to all channel subscribers, Facebook and update this section (see Winner: TBD).
  • You shouldn’t be asked to pay anything, if you are, someone is trying to scam you (don’t let them).
  • Don’t let a few bad apples, that think they’re being cute, spoil the fun. Using the information above, you’ll know real vs. fake.

Giveaway #4 – GRS Build-A-Cade

Giveaway Video: Video here with details on how to enter
Review Video: GRS Build A Cade: Raspberry Pi Mini Arcade Setup + Review
GRS Build-A-Cade Guide: here

Giveaway: December 2nd, 2022 @7pm (US Central Time)
Winners: TWO CONFIRMED winners have responded, this Giveaway is now complete!

Confirmed Winner(s)

  • Peter from NH (Confirmed) – Winning comment “The first game for me would be Galaga! Thank you for the contest!”
  • Robert from WA (Confirmed) – Winning Comment “Neat stuff. First game I’d install is Bad Dudes because, come on, ninjas kidnapped the President.”

CONGRATULATIONS to both winners! I hope you both enjoy the GRS Build-A-Cade as much as I am. Thank you to EVERYONE who participated. There will be more giveaways in 2023. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all!

Shipped : Both packages were shipped on 12/5 and tracking numbers provided to the winners.
Received: Both winners received their Build-A-Cades

Giveaway #3 – AtGames Legends Gamer Mini

Giveaway Video: Video here with details on how to enter
Review Video: AtGames Legends Gamer Mini Setup & Review: This thing is really cool!
Legends Gamer Mini Guide: here

Giveaway: March 25th, 2022 @7pm (US Central Time)
Winner: Dan H.
Shipped : 3/26/2022 @1:09pm (US Central Time)
Received: 3/28/2022 @5:30pm

Congratulations to Dan H. in Texas who is the CONFIRMED winner of the AtGames Legends Gamer Mini. The Gamer Mini was shipped on 3/26/2022 and I added a few extras, including: 256GB USB stick (for Pinball volumes or CoinOpsX) and some Wagner’s TechTalk stickers for he and his grandkids.

Dan’s Winning Comment

My first arcade experience was Asteroids Deluxe. Played this for Hundreds of hours. Now, thanks to AtGames, i play it as much as possible on my ALP ( until me wife….times me out ). I’m 70 years old and STILL have fun with the Legends Family of Game Machines. Teaching my grandkids how to enjoy them also

Giveaway #2 – Vilros Tabletop Arcade

Vilros Raspberry Pi 4 Tabletop Arcade Giveaway (Video)
Raspberry Pi Compatible Tabletop Arcade Cabinet With Built-In 10 Inch HD Display (Vilros product page)
Winner Selection (Video)
Giveaway: December 7, 2021 @7pm (US Central Time)
Shipped : December 8, 2021 @8:30am (US Central Time)
Received: December 13, 2021 @12:29pm (US Central Time)

Congratulations to Mark from Florida who is the CONFIRMED winner of the Vilros Pi 4 Tabletop Arcade! The original review video may be found here. The machine was shipped to Mark on 12/8/2021, tracking information provided to him. Thank you to everyone who participated in this giveaway! I truly enjoyed reading every one of your comments.

Mark’s Winning Comment

Football helmet and shoulder pads. I recall wearing it and running around the neighborhood. lol.

Mark received his Vilros Arcade, pictured below!

A close up of the menu bar with buttons.

Mark Received

  • x1 Vilros Raspberry Pi 4 Tabletop Arcade
  • x1 Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB model) Pre-installed in the Arcade
  • x2 sets of heatsinks for the Raspberry Pi 4 (one set already applied to the Pi4 and installed in the Arcade)
  • x1 128GB microSD with Recalbox pre-installed with the Joystick+buttons mapped and ready to play

*Note No original Arcade/console Games will be pre-installed, just the freeware games included with Recalbox. For more information on adding your own games, please see the Raspberry Pi 4 Retro Gaming Guide.

Giveaway #1 – Asteroids Replicade

Asteroids Replicade Giveaway (Video)
Giveaway: November 12, 2021, 11:59 pm
Shipped : November 13, 2021, 10:18 am
Received: November 17, 2021, 11:22 am

Congratulations to Bill from WA who won the Asteroids Replicade! The original review video may be found here. In that video, towards the end I show an alternative way to still find the machine. It was at that time I decided to order (and hold on to) the machine until the channel reached a specific milestone. For the backstory, see this video.

Bill’s winning comment:

“My favorite arcade game was Atari Sprint, the old black and white arcade game.”

Below is what Bill had to say after receiving his new Asteroids Replicade:

11/17/2021 – The Replicade arrived today!!  I have opened and have given it a go. It works great! Thank you so much for this! I missed out on the Dragon’s Lair but have ordered the 1942 game. I enjoy your videos.  I have a couple Raspberry Pi 4 that I use, one CanaKit and one PiBoy.  I have found your videos very helpful for those and I thank you for that help!

A close up of the menu bar with buttons.
Bill from WA won an Asteroids Replicade (by New Wave Toys)

Change Log

  • 2023-10-10 – Added Imposter Warning section.
  • 2023-10-05 – Added Legends 4KP Giveaway.
  • 2022-12-3 – Updated Build-A-Cade giveaway info.
  • 2022-04-22 – Contest updates
  • 2022-03-19 – Preparation for the next Giveaway
  • 2021-11-23 – Added Giveaway #2 details.
  • 2021-11-21 – Our next Giveaway has been identified, more details coming soon.
  • 2021-11-18 â€“ Added our first Giveaway winner.